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Right Now

I still haven't uploaded the Halloween pictures but wanted to put up a recent picture of Hans because I just feel like he has grown by leaps and bounds since our Superior trip.
He just seems like such a 'big boy'.

About a month ago, I definitely thought I heard him say "Hi" as he was waving to himself in the mirror and then just a few days ago we were at my parents house and he was waving to me and my mom and we BOTH heard him say "Hi".

Last week, he was playing with some toys on his play table and hitting them and "babbling" the whole time and then clearly I heard him say "uh oh". I don't know if it was a fluke or not because he hasn't said it since, but it was so crystal clear. "Uh Oh" is something Tom and I say to him all of the time so it's plausible he'd pick up on it this early.

He stood for 8 seconds without holding on to anything the other day.

Last week, he also had his first whole meal of all finger foods.

And right now, his favorite things to do are to take out all of the books on the bookshelf and all of the movies in our DVD baskets and just throw them all over the floor. He also loves to play peek a boo and holds towels, blankets, coats, and hats over his face to play peek a boo with us. I never thought this game could be so fun but I actually love playing it with him too!!!

Hans at 9 1/2 months old.
