Hans got to name the title of this post today. I said "Happy Valentine's Day!" to him today and he responded with, "Happy Day Hans!". Coincidentally, that is also how he repeats "Happy Birthday" too. We had balloons around the house days after his birthday and he would walk around with them exclaiming, "Happy Day Hans!". We're a very happy household ;) .
I don't have valentine's plates or nice china to use so i just bought valentine's paper plates and had them on our everyday white plates. We're using them throughout this week so it's a good deal for $1.50.
We had pink pancakes with pink whipped cream and sprinkles. Scrambled eggs, sausage, and strawberries. Hans was most excited about the pink heart pancakes. He called them "cookie pancakes" which confirms the theory that it's the little things that your kids remember and think are special.
Growing up we always had a Valentine's breakfast prepared in the morning. It was a great way to start my day before heading off to school. My mom would decorate the table with her Valentine's china dishes, red goblets, and a table cloth. Whatever we ate was dyed red and we also got to eat a little candy too! I so looked forward to that breakfast. And, although I really appreciated all of the details that went into it, I don't think you have to go too overboard in order to make it memorable or exciting for your kids. I was reading a blog the other day (i can't remember which one it was, otherwise I would link to it), and the blogger talked about how her mom would just put red food coloring in her milk for her cereal and she just thought that was the best thing ever. Just putting extra touches here and there makes it feel less like an everyday breakfast and more special.
I painted hearts on a burlap banner I had made a couple of years ago.
I don't have valentine's plates or nice china to use so i just bought valentine's paper plates and had them on our everyday white plates. We're using them throughout this week so it's a good deal for $1.50.
We had pink pancakes with pink whipped cream and sprinkles. Scrambled eggs, sausage, and strawberries. Hans was most excited about the pink heart pancakes. He called them "cookie pancakes" which confirms the theory that it's the little things that your kids remember and think are special.
Hans had a special valentine at his table spot, Finn McMissle!
If you're wondering where Caroline was during the breakfast. Well, she is 3 months going on 15 years and asked to sleep in until 10am so we obliged!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope you are able to enjoy a fantastic Valentine's Day with your loved ones! I've always loved Valentine's Day, even when I wasn't married. I've never been a fan of the "Hallmark" idea of valentine's day where the guy is supposed to buy an expensive card for you, bring home flowers, and make reservations for a fancy dinner. I just love the simplicity of hanging out with the people that you love. Whether that be your parents, your friends, or your kids and your husband. It's just fun to celebrate caring and loving one another but also remembering that no matter what you've been through, we are God's children and loved by Him. He is Love, after all!
*Random addition to this post. After writing the title and hearing Hans saying "Happy Day" again, I can't get the song "Oh Happy Day" from Sister Act 2 out of my head! Really brings me back to 7th grade where we sang many Sister act songs in choir. More specifically it reminds me of going on a ski trip to Lutsen with my friends Julia and Liz (and Liz's family) and we listened to this sound track over and over and over again. We said it was because of practicing for choir, but we were obsessed. I've included the link to the video for your listening (and reminiscing) pleasure. ;)
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