This past weekend we flew out to visit my sister, brother in law, and family out in Ohio.
At the airport with Papa
We stayed with my sister in my nieces adorable room (I'm going to do a post soon with pictures of their room, it is that adorable). Hans decided that he wasn't going to sleep the greatest the first couple nights and that made for an exhausted and overly emotional mom, but I had good help from my sister and mom (and nieces!), so it was all okay!
We were able to fly out and be there for my niece, Emily's, baptism. It was a really great experience. She gave her life to the Lord last year and has been waiting and waiting to be baptized. They wanted to her to wait awhile so she fully understood the meaning and reason for being baptized.
She gave her testimony to the church and was baptized in Lake Erie.
I took this picture of my mom and Hans on the beach and liked it so much I had her switch with me and hopefully recreate the picture of Hans kissing my tummy on the beach in SD.
He just wanted to run around and play, but at least we were able to take a couple of pics.
31 weeks on Lake Erie with Hans
Hans loved waking up to a house full of cousins and family. Molly especially took to Hans and felt it her responsibility to make sure he had toys to play with and his sippy cup close at hand. It's funny because they are only a few months a part but she really looks at Hans as a little baby. Any sort of whine he would make and Molly would rush over to him with his sippy cup and give it to him like a bottle. Such a nurturer ;)
We had a picnic on Lake Erie and gave Molly gifts for her upcoming 2nd birthday. My brother in law treated us all to ice cream afterwards. It was a perfect evening!
Hans was testing his boundaries of listening to me, but like I said earlier, it was great to have family around to help out.
Thank you guys for such a fun trip!!
It was a great trip and I'm sure Emily will never forget you being there!