Earlier this week I saw my old kindergarten class graduate from kindergarten and today I went to the school and collected all of my boxes, folders, books, and everything teaching related.
Soon, I will be starting the process of going through each item and packing it away for storage as we have made the decision that I will stay at home with Hans for awhile and "hold off" on a full time teaching position. I am so so happy about this decision because 100% of me wants to stay home with Hans and I am so incredibly thankful that I have this opportunity.
As I pack up my teaching things, I can't help but reflect on the past 4 years and the fun times I have had and the incredible little children that I have had the blessing to teach. Of course there were rough times/children/classes but who remembers those things when you're reminiscing??
Here are some photo's I came across that bring a smile to my face...
"farmers" shearing their sheep
mud party anyone??? don't worry, they brought extra clothes!
We absolutely loved celebrations and had many of them!
Las posadas and the nativity
La Botella
Our students put on many dances
Entertained by the Mariachi band
Lovely costumes
Wonderful family. I was able to teach each sibling during my four years of teaching.
Here they are in order from oldest to youngest.
I was a cat this year and my baby (still in my tummy) was a "kitten". The kids got a kick out of that.
Christmas '08
My last kindergarten class {for awhile at least} '09-'10
Like I said earlier, I am so thankful. Thankful that I am able to stay home with my baby and thankful that I have wonderful years of teaching to look back on. I'm so excited to visit these students in the future and see what great people they will become.
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