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Showing posts from June, 2012

Instagram peek

I'm having a lot of fun capturing our daily activities with instagram on my phone.  Instagram was previously only available for the iphone but when they opened it up for android users as well, I jumped on bored!  I have always loved the vintage feel you can add to the pictures.  I also love that you can opt to be a private user, so my pictures will be kept private unless I approve someone to follow me.  Or, of course, if I post them to my blog ;).  This is a little glimpse into our week.  I was planning on going through each photo and giving you a little update or description but it took entirely too long to figure out how to make this collage and upload it into the blog.   Here is a brief overview.  I love love to see my kids play and interact with each other, my uncle visited,  time spent with the cousins up at the cabin where we also were able to listen to my dad's outdoor concert, and quiet time in the morning before the kids were aw...

This little girl

7 months....7 months!!  No, I'm not referring to the last time that I've updated the blog (I don't think it's been quite  that long.  I'm referring to my little girl.  Remember my little newborn baby girl?  Yeah, she is older now and getting more and more adorable by the minute. She still loves her big brother and we're still getting tons of smiles from her.  She has also been working on  screaming at the top of her lungs  using her voice.  It's frightening and lovely all at the same time.  Caroline is cruising all over the place.  With the combination or rolling, scooting, and army crawling, we definitely need to keep an eye on her!  Hans is very good at making sure she only plays with baby toys.  I frequently hear him say "No, Kiki" and then it's quickly followed with "Here you go, Kiki" as he quickly finds a baby toy to put in front of her.  He really is so sweet with his baby sister.  I think ...