Caroline Marie born on October 29th 8lbs. 15oz. 21.5 inches She has been such an amazing addition to our family! She is such a sweet baby and we love her to pieces! I have written, and re-written this post. I've found myself coming back to it several times and editing it only because so much time has past since I've last updated everyone. As I come on here and edit this post, I'm deleting the phrases like, "Caroline is now 2 weeks old" and "Caroline is now 3 1/2 weeks old" and "Caroline is now 4 weeks old", get the point. I've decided to post already goes...for the last time..."Caroline is now 6 weeks old!". We've really adjusted to a life of four in our family and couldn't be happier. Caroline has more and more awake moments and we relish her little smiles she throws our way and her sweet "coo's". Hans has really taken to his little sister. From the moment he saw her in the hos...
becoming domestic and creative one blog post at a time