Ok, I'm in love with this time of year. I love the smell that is in the air and the crisp feel that is in the air {finally!}. I love the kids getting ready for school, buying school supplies and new backpacks. And, I can almost smell the exhaust from the school busses! Don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoy and eagerly anticipate spring and summer {especially after those cold, long winter months of blah} so I guess I just love-me some season change! =-) Today, the sun is out and it's perfectly mid- 70's. I'm just kicking back with my little boy taking it ALL in. These are the moments that I'll cherish and look back on, the moments I'll never get back and never duplicate. This time with just Hans and I. By the way, Hans is a little crawler! He is starting to follow me around from room to room now. Granted, he is not fast quite yet, but it's only a matter of time. A couple of days ago, I went into his room after his nap time, and he was standing...